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Psv Muscle Gets Flabbier
OVER THE YEARS established bus operators behaved as if they had a divine right to run buses. They have sought to preserve the network not because of customer demand but out of a......
Hawley Mills Out In The Cold
IT WAS WITH some surprise that we noticed our company (Hawley Mills (Sales) Ltd), had been omitted from your 1981 List of Commercial Vehicle Builders and Repairers (CM, January......
Inspection Flash Poi Nt
THE PHOTOS in your interesting article How Golden is Golden Opportunity Volvo? (CM, February 21) shows up a serious fault in the inspection procedure by the FTA inspector. He is......
Three-day Wait For Benefit
I was very interested to read DouglasAinley's article (CM Feb: oary 14) on social security and wondered if you could confirm whether or not it is correct to state "three waiting......