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Ph...ling-brighton Merger Approved.
THE draft agreement between Brighton Corporation and Thomas Tilling, Ltd., referred to in last week's issue, has been approved by the general purposes committee of Brighton Town......
New Committee To Watch Welsh Public Interests.
URBAN District Councils in the Monmouthshire Western Valley have decided to set up a permanent joiht bus committee, on the lines of the authority which has for some years been......
Licence Transfer Vetoed.
THE Northern Scotland Traffic Com missioners have refused to allow W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., Falkirk, to take over the licence for the ElginLossiemouth route previously held......
Traffic Act Anomaly.
LAST Monday, Mr. A. T. V. Robinson heard, at the Ministry of Transport, London, an appeal by Green Line Coaches, Ltd., against the refusal of the Eastern Traffic Commissioners......
Southend Agreement Completed.
IT was announced at a recent sitting of the Eastern Traffic Commissioners that ft satisfactory agreement had been reached between the corporation. and the local private......
Unlicensed Op'eration In Blackpool.
CERTAIN operators having head -quarters in Blackpool are maintaining that some of the drivers of coaches entering the town from outside districts have, after setting down their......
Luton Proposes To Buy 12 Private Services For £21,000.
LUTON Corporation proposes to pure chase 12 services worked by 14 vehicles and run by three local private operators. The purchase price is £21,000, and the operators concerned......
Minimum Fares To Re Discussed.
ON October 25., No, 6 (East) Regional Sub-committee on Fares Will meet at Caxton Hall, London, S.W.1, to discuss the question of the minimum-tare, zone for express services......
New London Coach Station.
A sTvGALL coach station has been opened at Chimes's Garage, 253, Streatham High Road, London, S.W.16, to cater for coaches bound for the south coast.......
Important M.h.c.s.a. Events.
ON November 17, at 7.15 p.m., the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, Ltd., will hold its second annual general meeting at the Kings - way Hall, Kingsway, London,......
Illegal Duplication Of Bus.
A BUS operator has been summoned at Amble, Northumberland, for failing to run his service along the whole of the scheduled route, and for working what he alleged was a duplicate......