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'ord U014 )uple Dominant Bus
Martin Watkins Photographs by Harry Roberts FOUR-SPEED version of the "R" series bus and coach tssis has now been produced meet a demand from rural 3 operators who felt the lal......
Continental Invasion
Understandably, foreign car manufacturers' success in grabbing nearly half the sales in the UK car market just recently has gained much more attention than the less dramatic,......
:ommercial Redit
ir folks in the commercial hide side of the business the Ps' report is very warming; ey say almost wholly nice ings about Britain's cv siness. They are confident out the......
Extravagant Weekend
No such restraints need inhibit those who are moved by old machinery, if you know what I mean. Or, as the handout puts it "Those who love the smell of hot oil and smoke from old......
Not Gone Yet
Seems I "retired" John Hanlon prematurely in my piece about him last week in this column. Sorry about that. When he gave his entertaining valedictory speech at the RHA dinner in......