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You Can't Get A Good Cuppa
• In reading your comment "Time for a stand" (CM 19-25 November) I fully agree with you regarding the matter of driver facilities in this country. I drive on the Continent all......
Right Rate For The Job
• Your article entitled "The Headhunters" (CM 26 November), bemoaning the fact that good quality staff are hard to find and salaries are spiralling, portrays transport industry......
You Can Stop A Mercedes . . .
• Having read your recent article putting manufacturers' breakdown rescue services to the test (CM 12-18 November), I have the following comments to make. Firstly, it is......
Ferroplast Panels For Trailers 11 In Your Recent...
on Phil Biddlecombe of National Carriers Contract Services, you commented on the use of Ferroplast panels for the construction of Dry Freight Trailers. We at Tidd Strongbox......
Old Copies For Sale
• I have a few Commercial Motor magazines dated 194546. I am writing to ask if anyone would be interested in buying them. G A Templeman, 3 High Street, Corby, Stamford, Lincs......