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Gerni Puts Pressure On
• Gerni is launching a type of lance that will greatly improve the performance of its highpressure cleaners. A small turbine in the head of the lance drives an oscillating......
Uniscrub Out Buckets
• No longer is the smaller operator faced with the choice of a dirty vehicle or splashing about with bucket and brush. The Uniscrub MW 150 is claimed to clean an articulated......
Shredding Hits The Garage Trade
• Workshop personnel can take a lead from Oliver North and shred old parts and waste. The Ratan Garage Shredder is claimed to consume old parts of cars, oil cans, plastic......
• The Drester Blaster Clam From Redashe Can Be Used
on a variety of machine parts, including vehicle wheels, brake discs, drainage pumps, cylinder heads and injection moulds. A blasted surface gives perfect adhesion for bonding,......