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Dery Price Up
• I-1 A N increase in the price of its dery of 1:1. per gallon was announced on Wednesday by the Power Petroleum Co. Ltd. Fuel Tax Dodging Alleged rA A BROUGHTON, Lincolnshire,......
News In Brief T.r.t.a. Meeting: The Annual General...
the Potteries Area of the T.R.T.A. will be held at the Grand Hotel. Hanley, on February 25, when Mr. G. Turvey, assistant national secretary, will talk on " Continental......
Last-minute Decision To Drop L.d.o.y. 'snooker' Test
THE National Organizing Committee 1 of the Lorry Driver of the year Competition, at a meeting held at Coventry on Monday, decided not to include the " Snooker" test in the......
Labour's Transport Plans Vague
From our Political Correspondent W TH Mr. Harold Wilson as its leader, the Labour Party is not likely to go rocketing off on a new course in its transport policy. Indeed the......