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Union Antics
I have been reading the newspapers and watching on the televtsion the antics of the Transport & General Workers Union trying to save the last of its lame ducks, the motor......
Phone Fear
How stupid can people be? It doesn't take a genius to work Out that anything which is distracting is also extremely dangerous when you're driving particularly when you're......
Drivers Pay
I read with interest your coverage of the recent pay dispute between Wincanton and some of their night trunking drivers. It seems to me that it is about time that drivers were......
Legal Demos
It looks like Gordon Brown did just enough to take the sting out of the fuel protests. But judging by your Legal Bulletin on demos (CM8-14 Feb), anyone in the business who got......
Going Slow
As a driver on multi-drop work I know all about deadlines. So it really wound me up last week when I phoned up a book publisher chasing a natural history book I'd ordered (for......