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Amtrack Ballot
URTU drivers for Amtrack Express Parcels did not return enough ballot papers in support of industrial action over pay. An URTU spokesman says the vast majority of the papers......
Euroturnel Plea
The head of Eurotunnel has asked the British and French governments to help stop the increasing numbers of stowaways trying to board cross-Channel trains.......
Test Fees
The Driving Standards Agency plans to increase the driving test fees in May. The truck fee will go up from £73.50 to £76 during the week and from £92 to £94 at the weekend.......
Hazardous Fat
Fat truckers are a road safety hazard because they are more prone to disturbed sleep patterns, according to a sleep specialist. Professor Jim Horne of Loughborough University......
Crash Details
Police want hauliers who work near Burton on-Trent to provide information on an accident last month (Friday 19 January) at Tutbury Road, near the junction with Kitling Greaves......
Irish Safety
The Institute of Advanced Motorists and Pass International have launched a scheme to try to reduce the number of crashes involving trucks in Northern Ireland and the Republic of......
Anned Director Has Links With Pall-ex Member Firm
• by Melanie Hammond Further evidence that vetting procedures at Pall-Ex (UK) are seriously flawed emerged this week when Commercial Motor discovered that the man behind the......
Tack, Jail Sentences Confirmed
• Three drivers employed by MJ Graves International, of Felixstowe, have lost their appeals against eight-month prison sentences imposed for the falsification of tachograph......