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Mig Fume Protection
MIG brazing has benefits over welding and its OK Autorods shield the operator from gas. MIG BRAZING OFFERS a number of operational advantages over welding,such as improved gap......
On Your Knees
Laser Tools is marketing a kneeling pad and mechanic mattress to make repairs and maintenance that bit more comfortable. They are filled with oil, water and flame-resistant......
Seeing The Light
Two auto-darkening welding filters are available from Hornell. The Speedglas 9002V and 9002X feature a new electronics unit that enables the user to adjust the filters ,......
Safety On Page
Murex has published a 70-page catalogue which includes personal protection products, welding tools and special process equipment. It also includes new helmets, clothing and......
Cleaner Wheels
Alcoa has launched Alprotect, a temporary protective coating for aluminium wheels designed to repel dirt and salt. It can be applied with a cloth and removed with a......
Bedford Bonanza For Bedtime Reading
AFTER A LONG and colourful history the last Bedford truck to be built in Britain was shipped out of the Marshal Is factory in Cambridge in 1999. Bed ford,Rucks and Vans in......
Find The Right Lever
REMOVING CV WHEELS by hand can be hard work and exposes fitters to the risk of injury.The Clever Lever by Alba Diagnostics is designed to take the strain: it comes in two sizes......
Spot-on Drilling With Boron Drill Bits
USING CONVENTIONAL drilling bits to replace damaged body panels made from high-strength steels can he a time consuming task.To overcome this problem Car-O-Liner has introduced......