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Bruce: More Hot Water
A SHEFFIELD COMPANY whose MD and two staff were ailed for aggravated racial harassment of an employee has had seven vehicles cut from its24-vehicle 0-licence. Bruce Transport......
No Christensen
Safeway operations director and former FTA president Lawrence Christensen will not, after all, join the board of Morrison's in the retail takeover. Christensen has been behind......
Double Diredor
Chris Thorneycroft-Smith ha been appointed as director of iveco's truck business un alongside his existing role o director of light commercial vehicles.......
Motorists Jailed
Too many drivers are being jailed for motoring offences, resulting in prisons being overcrowded with shortterm prisoners, says the head of the Prison Service. Martin Narey......
Duty Talks
The [ntroduction of a lorry road user charging schemE to the UK in 2006 should provide the best chance fa many years for the same fu tax duty throughout Europe says the FTA. It......
Dam Right
Better pay and conditions for truck drivers are among the measures included in tt Drivers Action Movement charter for the 2005 genere election. It is also demandir a clampdown......
Knowles Must Prove Itself To Tc
KN OWLES TRANSPORT'S licence has been cut by eight vehicles and 10 trailers until it proves to Eastern Traffic Commissioner Geoffrey Simms that it is operating"in a satisfactory......