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-hour Week For S Supervisors
LAIM on behalf of BRS supervisory taff for a reduction in weekly working from 40 to 38 has been agreed by the ; and will take effect from August 15 sing from this change the......
Son Statement (cont D)
idends would be expected to be held down ! 12-month period. 'Rally, the Government called for a 12standstill on prices of all goods and serexcept to the limited extent that......
Fuel Companies Ease So/us System
From Our Political Correspondent ALL the fuel companies in Britain, except Total Oil Products, have agreed to relax their hold on "tied" filling stations, it was disclosed at......
Fares Structure Will 'be Destroyed'
rONSERVATIVES and Liberals tried, without success, last week to ensure that bus companies would continue to receive financial help when they bought new vehicles. An amendment to......
Tunnel Would Cost About £170 M.
T iE new estimated cost of the channel tunnel is about £155--£170 m.—without capital charges. The revised estimate was given in the Commons this week by Mr. Stephen Swingler,......
European Door-to-door Service
T HE Minister of Transport has approved proposals by the Railways Board for container services between Harwich (Parkeston Quay) and Zeebrugge to form part of a completely......
Ministry Will Consider Motorway Differentials
IN REVIEWING the experimental 70 m.p.h. speed limit in conjunction with the road Research Laboratory, the Ministry of Transport will take account of any evidence that may emerge......