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Owner Cleared But Driver Guil
• Christopher Nixon, who trades as E Nixon Transport, of Chester, has been cleared by Widnes ma g istrates of usin g a vehicle with an insecure load. Driver Gerald Jones of......
Fair Wear And Tear
• Companies' maintenance is often not at fault if tyres workin g in q uarries are dama g ed, ruled a Birmin g ham disciplinary in q uiry when Man g an Contractors (Ru g by)......
One Cut • Maintenance Problems Have Led To The Authorisation
on the licence held by Kings Lynn-based Gooding Bros, being cut from 10 to nine vehicles at a Cambrid g e public in q uiry.......
Mt Concern Ii Maritime Haula G E, Of Ipswich, Has Been G...
a new international licence for 50 vehicles and 75 trailers at a Cambridge public inquiry. Eastern Deputy IC Ian Fowler had been concerned about the maintenance record of MT......
Thom Revoked • Maintenance Problems Have Led To The...
of the licence held by Gampbell R Thom, an Ayrshire haulier. Thom was called before Scottish TC Michael Betts at an Edinbur g h disciplinary in q uiry.......
Two Years Only • Scottish Tc: Michael Betts Has Renewed
Cowdenbeathbased J & D Thomson's licence for five vehicles and two trailers for one year only, followin g a two day public in q uiry after maintenance problems were discovered.......