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Red Forge link • Maywood On-Board has appointed Red Forge of Redditch, Worcs to sell its range of on-vehicle load weighing systems. Contact (0527) 26112.......
Praising pricing • New research arguing for road pricing has been published by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Urban TrafficCongestion in Europe: Road Pricing and Public......
Uk Openings
• Distribution Services 1993 is a 198-page report on contract distribution opportunities in the UK, particularly in the grocery market where 25 of the most prominent companies......
Chilling Facts
• A pocket guide to the Food Hygiene (Amendment) Regulations 1990 for operators distributing chilled foods is available from contract hire specialist Topmark Vehicle Contracts.......
Scammell meetings • The Scammell Owners & Enthusiasts Club will hold its annual road run on Sunday 8 August. Participants in the 32km (20 mile) rally will meet at 11:00hrs at......
Tyring Exhibition
• The Brityrex show, which covers the latest developments in tyres, including retreads and fast fits, will be held on 21-23 February 1995 at the Harrogate Exhibition Centre.......
Body Show
• The International Commercial Vehicle Bodywork Show will take place from 15-17 March at the National Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire. It is expected to have 50......
Transport don • A five-day course to give graduates and young managers an overview of the logistics and transport business will be held by The University of Huddersfield on......
Pandoro's box • Pandoro plans to introduce a 20-21 hour freight service from Rosslare in the Republic of Ireland to northern France by the end of the year. It is considering a......
Fuel for thought • Fuel card supplier DKV F.uro Service has arranged for its customers to use the fuel bunkering network belonging to CH Jones of Walsall which has over 4(X) UK......
Safe swipe • Wakefield company Petro Vend claims its Verapos system eliminates fraudulent transactions for the payers of fuel bills. After swiping a fuel card though a terminal,......
Small Margins
• Weighrig has developed a mechanical wheel weighing instrument, which it claims is accurate to plus or minus 2%. The indicator gauge is calibrated in quarter tonnes up to 7.25......
Neat Pad
• GB Tachopak has updated its fleet inspecticm pads to help hauliers deal with changes in the annual truck test. The defect report pads, which drivers use to register mechanical......
Radio Waves
• A radio-based alarm detection and signalling system for tractive units and trailers has been developed by Telesense Security of Norwich. It comprises a cab or trailer sensor......
Tyre Saver
• A survey by Central Tyres indicated that UK hauliers lose up to 176in a year in wasted tyre life. Leomar Computer System's tyre management software is designed to counter this......
• For the latest road news around the UK simply contact one of the following AA Hotline numbers (calls cost 36p/min off-peak; 48p at all other times): West Country: (0836) 401......