22nd June 1962, Page 28
22nd June 1962
Page 28

Page 28, 22nd June 1962
Lorry Thefts Down By 16 Per Cent.
THE value of goods stolen from commercial vehicles in the London area was 16 per cent, less in the first quarter of 1962 than in the last quarter of 1961. According to......
40 M.p.h. Goods-vehicle Limit Is Imminent
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT U PGRADING of goods vehicle speed limits to 40 m.p.h. is expected in regulations to be laid by the Minister of Transport within a few weeks. The......
"unorthodox" Carriage In Passenger Vehicles Wa Legal,...
E VIDENCE based on the previous carriage of goods in unorthodox" vehicles, whether carried in a private vehicle, a bicycle, by people on their two legs, or in a pram, is just as......