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Welsh Bus Companies' Heavy Losses
A FTER hearing that there had been a serious decline in the revenue position of six major Welsh bus companies, the South Wales Traffic Commissioners were told at Pontypridd this......
Confusion Over Licence Weight Limits
THE Traders Road Transport Association are in contact with the Ministry of Transport and other departments in an attempt to clear up the present confusion about the correct......
More B.t.c. Information, Say Watchdogs
From our Political Correspondent P ARLIAMENT should be given more information when asked to vote money to meet the large and increasing deficits of the B.T.C., a select......
South Shields-coventry Service Granted
TW ENTY-TWO supporting witnesses ;rom Tees-side, Tyneside, Co. Durham and the Midlands had been heard by the Northern Traffic Commissioners befOre they granted an application by......
N.0 R. Want State Road Replacements For Rail Closures...
British Transport Commission's coming proposals for cutting down the railways system was launched by the 330,000-strong National Union of Railwaymen this week. And one of the......