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Knother 50,000 In Runs Port By '85
AD TRANSPORT will employ 868,000 people by 1985 — 100 more than it does now, says the Road Transport Industry ining Board. Every job in the industry will need more .kers. his......
Udget's Irritation'
MATED AND DISAPPOINTED — that's the road transport ustry's reaction to last week's Budget. Biggest cause for nplaint in a CM snap poll of industry bodies was, predictably,......
New Rule For Vat
HAULIERS, coach operators and other small businesses in the transport industry may be Interested to know that the rules regarding the change in the rate of VAT are different......
Double Scottish Shows?
AN ANNUAL SCOTTISH MOTOR SHOW is on the cards. The Scottish Motor Trade Association is working on plans for a spring show near Edinburgh next year, as well as the two-yearly......