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'broken Promises' 1 1: 1 :1 11 D I Line Brf Blames Govt....
has broken its election promises, said the British Road Federation. Cuts in transport spending went against declared Tory policy, it claimed. A spokesman for BRF told CM that......
Fuel: Nothing Doing
THE GOVERNMENT'S best course of action over the fuel shortage is to do nothing — though it is willing to help sort out fuel problems when it can. This was made plain in the......
Rodgers Goes Up
FORMER TRANSPORT Minister William Rodgers has been promoted within the Shadow Cabinet to become its front bench spokesman on defence. Until 1976, Mr Rodgers was Minister of......
Hauliers Have Only Week Left To Meet The Not Of
reduced hgv driving h which bring us in line other EEC countries. On Sunday July 1 the n mum permitted numbe hours driving in any ( period is reduced from hours to nine hours.......
Coach Trip
There is still space availabl , for CM readers in our stud! tour of Frankfurt and Darmstadt, which coincide with this September's Frankfurt Motor Show. Foi details of the tour —......