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Incomplete Conclusion
I READ with interest the "Express parcels" feature (CM, June 1). I was pleased to see, as one of last year's best performers, that you had again included us in your frame. This......
Rare Bottle
I WRITE further to The Hawk's comment in Bird's-eye View (CM, May 25) concerning Lord Montagifs recent request for milk bottles to complete the milk float in the new Wincanton......
Neoplans In America
I HAVE read lain Sheriff's article "Swedes hit US bus sales trail" (CM, June 1). The report depicts quite clearly the conditions on the American bus market. However, the......
Sherpa Competitor
THE article on the Mercedes-Benz 307D high-volume vans (CM, June 1) mentioned both the Ford 190 Transit and Bedford CE350, albeit without the availability of factory-fitted high......