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Tribunal Approves L.a.'s Decision
THE Transport Tribunal in London last week decided that it was in order for Siddle C. Cook Ltd., of Consett, Co. Durham, to have two steerable dollies on A licence. The matter......
Application Bedevilled By Previous Case
Pr E refusal of the Metropolitan Licensng Authority to grant an A licence to an East London haulier was a " myopic phenomena ", said Mr. M. H. JacksonLipkin at the Transport......
Service Extensi On Bid Refused
A T a resumed hearing at Leeds on Monday in which Leeds Corporation proposed to extend a service from the cemetery at Lawnswood to Kingsley Drive, Adel, the advocate for the......
S. And R. Grant
THE Yorkshire Licensing Authority has I granted the 15-tanker contract A to A licence switch application by Smith and Robinson (Leeds) Ltd. S. and R. originally applied for the......
Different Commissioners Heard One Case
I N a written decision, the Minister of Transport has ordered the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners to rehear an application by Wallace Arnold Tours Ltd., Feather Bros. (Tours)......