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Licensing A Restrictive Trade Practice
Ti E road haulage licensing system is nothing more or less than a statutory :strictive trade practice. Operating, as manifestly does, against the public iterest, it should be......
Difficult Problem In C-licence Take-overs
A DDRESSING the annual meeting of the Scottish division of the Traders Road Transport Association in Glasgow on Tuesday, Mr. K. C. Turner, national president of the T.R.T.A.,......
Wednesday's Business The Post Office's East Anglian...
road parcels service is uccessful it will be applied more extenively over the country, promised Mr. teginald Bevins, the Postmaster-General, a the Commons on Wednesday. He aid......
Changes In Weights And Measures Bill
THE Weights and Measures Bill was I. last week altered so that people carrying goods for reward, such as common carriers, will not be liable for an offence if the goods are......