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Smooth Sailing At Southampton
0 very similar applications for hich two days had been set aside dealt with in a little under two by the South Eastern deputy sing Authority, Mr. A. C. Shepherd. uthampton last......
Brs And Railways Fight Wider B Grant
S and British Railways should not A themselves up as watchdogs Ise they felt that the action taken he Licensing Authority was not dently severe. said Miss E. Havers o Transport......
Hours, Records Offences Lead To Inquiry
CONVICTIONS by Braintree magis\--, trates for eight offences in August, 1965, led to the appearance of Mr. R. H. Argent, of Wethersfield, before the Eastern deputy Licensing......
Objector Criticized By Deputy L.a.
LL ETTERS written to local hauliers by Mr. Norman Best, of Hockley, to test their reaction to his proposed application for a short-term licence were acknowledged by four......