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N Your Opinion
aise for the Klam Retarder %4CE the article on the Klam electric retarder appeared in the September 10 issue, my employer—Mr. Fox. nietor of Fox's Coaches, of Hayes—fitted one......
Le Hand Or Two The Mack ?
your road test of the Mack/Northern (June 4 issue) I Die that during the test run the driver used both hands hange gears and the author stated that this was the only :live......
A A Bedford Tk
EFERR1NG to Mr. 1. Carter's letter "Big for a Bedford " in the September 24 issue, the tractor he itions is not a Bedford TK. And personally I can see reason why Vauxhall should......
Municipalities Encouraging Lack Of Choice
M R. MOSES should be congratulated for his excellent survey and analysis of the municipal and company bus fleets (The Commercial Motor, October 1) which seems to become......