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Prospect Of 3 0 /0 For Busmen
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT R IT Al N 'S 200,000 bus workers can look forward to a pay rise of about three per cent. That seems to be a fair deduction to draw from last......
New North Western
Licensing Authority T HE Minister of Transport has selected Major-General A. F. I. Elmslie, C.13., C.B.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., MInst.T., for appointment as chairman of Traffic......
"not Charging Increased Rates"
QPEAKING at the annual dinner at Keswick recently of the West Cumberland Sub-area of the R.H.A. Livestock Functional Group, Mr. N. T. O'Reilly, of Carlisle, Northern Area......
Feeder Service Plan For Glasgow
T HE general mana g er of Glas g ow Corporation Transport Department. Mr. E. R. L. Fitzpayne, is to meet Mr. James Ness, g eneral mana g er, Scottish Re g ion, British Railways,......