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Lt Fares Doubling But Zonal System Is Kept
LONDON TRANSPORT bus fares will retain the advantages of the Fares Fair zonal system introduced by Ken Livingstone's Greater London Council and outlawed by the recent and now......
Cost-cuttin Speakers
"CUTTING costs in public trâ– port" is the theme of this ye public transport symposiurr be held at Newcastle Univer on March 30 to April 1. Speal expected include Dr V. Web.s of......
Graham Waft:
THE SCOTTISH Traffic Comn sioners have postponed a tit ing scheduled to take place week to consider a new rl service licence application fr Graham's Bus Service, of Pg ley.......
Boomtme For Man In Ue
MAN is forecasting a boom in the public transport sector on I other side of the Atlantic which will earn the company heah profits in the 1980s. The Germans expect rising demand......