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How I Compete With The Big Companies
YOU DON'T have to have big guns to compete with big companies. Eighteen months ago I lost my whole set-up; I was one of the first casualties of the recession. OK, there were......
Kit Up For New First-aid Regs
I READ with great interest the Know the Law article by Les Oldridge (CM, December 12, 1981). It gives a very clear precis of the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981......
This Is Something Of An Understatement
THE COMMENT by David Wilcox (CMJanuary 6) that "trace bodies ... such as the Freight Transport Association should have a list of known or preferred consultants in their field"......
Who Would Like Some Back Issues?
I AM WRITING to ask if you kno of any group or person who would be interested in back numbers of CM. My son has married and we are moving shortly, so we want to get rid ol them.......