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French Renege On Belly-tank Deal
by Kathy Watson • l;K officials are urging international hauliers to re-route, avoiding France, following the French department of transport's decision to continue its ban on......
Eu Moves On Livestock
• The campaign to make livestock drivers feed and rest animals more frequently on European journeys looks set to be successful after a key decision in Luxembourg this week......
Ec 'agrees' Adr
• The EU Transport Ministers meeting in Luxembourg last week "adopted a common position" on the framework directive on carriage of dangerous goods (ADR). The move means......
Row Over Tachos
• A battle is raging between the French and a GermanBritish alliance on switching from tachographs to electric coding on smart cards. The Anglo-German view favours smart cards......
By Rail And Sea • Up To 3,000 Long-haul Truck
loads per week will be transferred to rail with the launch of the Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal. The site, next to )18 of the Ml, will open by the end of next......
Er Puts First 44-tonners Into Inter-modal Service
• The first working 44-tonner operation on UK roads is thought to be a steel load carried to the Manchester Euroterminal from Rotherham a week ago (16 June) by European Freight......