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Trace Tracks Truck Tyres
• Computer software company Trace has launched an improved version of its fleet and workshop management programme. Improvements include pre-invoice checking before the system......
Two-way Pump
• WLT has launched a twoway pump designed to fill and empty 136 and 250litre (30 and 55-gal) drums. Driven by compressed air, the pump is designed to handle coolant, oils and......
Atlantean Wash Bridges Cab Gap
s Vehicle wash specialist Brushwash has damped the arms of its Atlantean drivethrn wash (designed for buses) to prevent them falling into the cab/trailer gap on artics.......
Wap Stops Washer Misuse
• Pressure washer manufacturer WAP has introduced a remote control unit designed to overcome misuse of the machine. With remote siting of the hot and cold water machine, the......
Welding Down Prices
• A range of three low-priced 114.1G/MAG welders have been launched by ESAB. The LKA Original range has outputs from 150 to 240 amps. At the bottom end of the range the 150 and......
Lock Jaw
• A movable jaw grip has been added to the Hydleman range. The jaw has a self-locking action and can be moved to accommodate workpieces up to 60mm thick. There is a thumbscrew......