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Legal Protection By Insurance
by John C. Vann IT WAS in the early days of 1974 that an insurance contract new to Britain was introduced. This was legal costs and expenses insurance, a type of protection......
What Is Marginal Costing And What Is Its Function In...
Briefly, marginal costing takes into account only those factors which are incurred in using a vehicle to do a particular job such as licences, insurance, interest, fuel,......
11 I Have A Workshop With Three Fitters And I
have accepted work from another haulier to maintain his vehicles. Could you say what would be a fair charge to make for this service? A You should work out the hourly labour......
Q If I Work Three Hours On Saturday Morning And Drive
only 14 miles to load and 14 miles back, must I keep a record of work on that day ? Must my record of daily work on a weekday commence when I leave my employer's depot, or can I......
Q One Of My Vehicles Was Stopped Toward The End Of
its working day when a tyre was found to have a cut in it. My driver and myself are to be prosecuted for this offence. Before a vehicle is put on the road each morning a check......