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Dennis Designs Decker
A PROTOTYPE double-deck chassis from Dennis Motors of Guildford could be on the road early next year. John Jackson, Dennis sales director, told CM this week that plans for the......
All Change At Edinburgh
THIS WEEK Edinburgh Corporation transport department became Lothian Region Transport. The new authority has co-ordinating responsibility outside the old operating area of......
Sbg Volvos In Service
THE FIRST four of the Scottish Bus Group Volvo BM—Alexander coaches have entered service with Western Scottish at Kilmarnock. They will be used exclusively on the London......
Confed Conference
THE FIRST annual conference of the Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport at Eastbourne from June 10-12 will be addressed by Neil Carmichael MP, Parliamentary......
[dates For Your Diary Sunday, June 1 Cm Ldoy Rounds...
Kent : Lockmeadow Market, Maidstone; Tyne and Wear : Team Valley Trading Estate, Gateshead. Monday, June 2 Transport Managers' Club—East Lancashire area meeting, Ye Horns Inn,......
R. Beckham (SPD Ltd), the ETA president, has been re-elected chairman of the Association's national executive board; F. Moore (British Celanese Ltd) and J. W. Phillips (Glynwed......