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Scots Haulier Milks Dairies Of £8,000
HAULAGE firm chief was found guilty at Perth Sheriff Court last meek of operating an £8,000 milk fraud. Alastair Campbell, of Buchan 'lace, Glenrothes, Fife had delied obtaining......
One Man's Meat . .
NE Ministry of Agriculture is :arrying out a review of the Vleat (Sterilisation) Regulations 1969 which affect a limited lumber of commercial hire or -eward operators. The......
THE English National Opt Company has entered t contract hire field for the fi time and has handed over transport operation to Winct ton Vehicles for at least t next ten years.......
Road Damage Writ Served
DEVON County Council has issued a high court writ against fa hauliers and two county court summonses against two for allege( causing excessive road damage. Under section 59 of......