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Nfc Sale Delayed
HE SALE of shares in the Govrnment-owned National 'eight Company has been delied and is unlikely to go ahead efore mid-1982. Legislation in the 1980 Transort Act provided for......
Mobil Set Wage Trend?
MOBIL has finalised an 11 per cent wage deal with its 250 tanker drivers. The deal also affects ancillary workers and involves a commitment to reduce the working week to 37 1 /2......
Dery Up
THE PRICE of dery rose by further 2p a gallon this week oil companies claimed they hi to compensate for the fall value of the pound against tl dollar, the main currency of tl......
Ford Lay-offs
ANOTHER Ford industri, dispute, this time at the cor pany's Halewood body asser bly plant, has resulted in lay-of at plants throughout the cou try. As we went to press on Tue......