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French Drive Subbies Off The Rails
BRITISH HAULIERS are outraged by their treatment at the hands of French national rail firm SNCF which has pulled the plug on its UK subsidiary leaving them hundreds of thousands......
Go-slow Tolls
The Austrian truck toll sys could be delayed beyonc its 1 January start becauE so few trucks have the tol equipment installed.......
Kidnap Charges
Two men have appeared before Enf ield Magistrate; charged with kidnapping a truck driver in Middlese; on 7 October. They are al; charged with aggravated vehicle taking, actual......
Military Deal
Exel has won a E42m thre year deal to manage the MoD's commercial freight operations. The deal cove surface and air freight throughout the world.......
Academy Man
Bruno Dingemans is the n( head of The International Road Transport Union Academy. He has extensiv experience as an ADR instructor and a DGSA.......
Eastern Threat
Immigration officials have warned that asylum seeke are now targeting east cos ports as a new route into the UK. I ast Sunday 16 stowaways were found on board an......
Vasey's Appeal
John Vasey, the driver jaile in France for allegedly smuggling £2.5m of cannabis, will have his app hearing in Montpellier on 31 October. A demonstration I his release will be......
Norbert Looks East, South And Here
FRENCH TRANSPORT giant Norbert Dentressangle has revealed ambitious expansion plans including the possibility of cherry-picking the assets of UK logistics firm Hays. But ND......