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Trailer Tests Buck A Bad Trend
Latest figures from the Vehicle & Operator Services Agency (VOSA) show the number of annual trailer tests increased by 1.9% (4.427) in 2002/03 to 242,000. The composition of the......
Failure Rate Falls
VOSAS Vehicle Inspectorate Effec6veness Repor t 2002/0.3 reveals that after a penod of increase both initial and final trailer test failure rates fell last year The initial......
Top Test Defects
Despite a slight decrease in their failure rates, service and parking brake performance remain the most common items cited in trailer test failures. The failure rate for service......
Age Matters
The annual test failure rate for trailers tends to increase with age. just as it does for HGVs. VOSA says that as there is currently no registration scheme for trailers it is......