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71 Austin
The Austin Motor Co., Ltd„ Longbridge, Birmingham. F OUR of the nine vehicles exhibited have not been seen before at Earls Court. These are the completely new 14 10-12-cwt. van,......
Beardmore Motors, Ltd., 167-169 Great Portland Street, London, W.1. TWO complete taxicabs and a chassis are displayed, with I separate sectioned power units. The chassis......
Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Luton, Beds R EPRESENTAT1VES of the new TK forward-control range (The Commercial Motor, September 9) constitute four of the seven exhibits. The TK......
British United Traction, Ltd., 96 Piccadilly, London, W.1. THE one trolleybus chassis shown is an ETB.1 model with A.E.T. traction equipment. It has a wheelbase of 17 ft. 6 in.......