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Leyland Motors, Ltd., Leyland. Lancs. T HREE of the five exhibits are completely new, whilst the fourth is a recent chassis with a brand-new power unit. Only one passenger......
64-magirus Deutz
Kliickner-Humboldt-Deutz, Ulm-Donau, Germany. O F the three vehicles on this stand, the model of greatest general interest is the Saturn II city bus, although the largest......
Mercedes-Benz (Great Britain), Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Middx. J UST how good in terms of silence and comfort a conventional pressed-steel cab can be is demonstrated by......
93-morris Commercial
Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Adderley Park, Birmingham. TAETAILS of three of the exhibits here were released only -L./today (pages 261 and 320). These are the entirely new......