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Geddes Report To Be Published
THE Minister of Transpoirt has now I received the report of the Geddes Committee and proposes to publish it is soon as possible. "1 shall certainly take it Cully into account in......
Mps Debate Safety
M EMBERS devoted the last hour of their business before Easter to a discussion on road safety and traffic congestion—a discussion that brought out several ideas for improving......
Tax Variations—'no'
A CALL for regional variations in the taxes on commercial vehicles and petrol came from several MPs last week, but—according to Mr. George Willis. Minister of State at the......
Fuel Tax Rebate
L'ORMS and instructions for claiming I relief from the 6d. fuel tax duty are now being sent to bus operators. The Minister of Transport, who was questioned about the relief last......
Flashing Beacons On More Vehicles
M ORE vehicles are to he permitted to carry rotating flashing beacons. showing either blue or amber lights. Until now the use of blue beacons has been restricted to ambulances......
Labour Mp Urges Municipal Bus Mergers
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT AUNICIPAL bus undertakings in South Lancashire should be re-organized into n i l two or three large undertakings to cover the whole area from......