24th August 1962, Page 26
24th August 1962
Page 26

Page 26, 24th August 1962
Illinistry's Second Diesel Smoke New International
Carnet St atement is Criticized A i s international transport carnet P - 1 s to be introduced in a number of BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY rRIT1C1SM has again been levelled at the......
Countries As From January 1 Next. This Is The Carnet
A.T.A., the.title of which stands for "Admission TemporaireTemporary Admission," and the agreement under which it will be introduced was worked out on a suggestion by the......
Leyland-a.c.v. Merger Approved
S HAREHOLDERS of Leyland Motors, Ltd., unanimously approved a resolution to acquire the ordinary and preference stock of Associated Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., at an......