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Three Of The Six Models To Be I Exhibited On
the stand of Albion Motors, Ltd., at the Commercial Motor Show are making their first appearance at Earls Court. The Super Reiver light sixwheeler, designed for a gross weight......
A Llegations That An Operator Had
made false statements and had failed to fulfil a statement of intention under the provisions of section 178(1)(d) were made before the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr.......
Forsey Application Granted In Bristol
O PERATORS have got to expect competition. If 50 people are carrying for one customer, that was no reason for saying that nobody else should do so. said the Western Licensing......
More C-licensed Vehic Les—fewer Operators
T HE trend over recent years for more and more individual concerns to operate their own C-licensed vehicles is now showing signs of reversal. Although the total number of......