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Fords And Bedfords For Aa 'get You Home' Service
• Ford and Bedford vehicles, besides conventional Land-Rover and trailer outfits, are to be used in the Automobile Association's new road recovery service to be introduced on......
Watch Out There's A Lib About!
• Plans by Young Liberals to im sbilize Continental "juggernaut" lorries we described by Transport and General W rkers' Union general secretary Jack Jon this week as "a......
York's Snowbap
• Such has been the response to the York Trailer campaign Operation Snowball (CM August 17) that York had to engage temporary staff to cope with the de and for campaign......
London Transport Surprises Itself.
• LT News surprised London Transport's own press information department this week by revealing a £15.8m order for 938 buses, to be delivered in 1975 and 1976. The News say that......