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Lt 's Recruitment Drive Will Cost Millions
• London Transport's nine-point package to attract a larger slice of London's scarce labour market was officially unveiled at the weekend — and it could cost LT between £10m and......
Bus Lanes For Camberwell
• An experimental bus lane in Camberwell New Road came into operation on Monday. The lane is for eastbound buses operating between Medlar Street and Denmark Hill from 8 am to 10......
Pensioners' Bus Books Cost Cleethorpes £4500
• Distribution of books of bus tickets valued at £3 commenced last week at the transport offices in Victoria Street, Grimsby, for Cleethorpes pensioners to enable them to travel......
Hospital Buses Needed
• A county councillor appealed last week for improvements in public transport to and from a fellside town so that sick people can be visited in hospital. Cllr Raymond Frankland......
• Route 95 Will Run Via London Bridge And Fenchurch
Street from next month, to provide a quicker journey to London's Sunday markets.......