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Electrically Controlled Fan
COMMERCIAL VEHICLE applica tions of their Thermomatic engine cooling fan have been introduced by Kenlowe Accessories and Co., Ashford, Middx. There are two forms of the fan, a......
Small Size Inspection Lamp N Ow Available From Clm, 21...
Street, London, W.1, is an inspection lamp with a diameter of 2 in. (plus hook) and a length of 9+ in., which make it ideal for use in confined spaces. The lamp is well made and......
Improved Batteries H Igh-capacity Batteries With Tubular...
introduced by Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., as complementary to the standard specially armoured ranges. These batteries are said to give from 32 per cent. to 38 per cent, increase......
Shaft Seal For Oil Or Water A New Mechanical Shaft Seal
has been introduced by Crane Packing, Ltd.. Slough, a 'member of the Tube Investments Group. There are two versions of this seal. Type 106 is a seal for applications which......
Lightweight Cutting Blowpipe
HE Firefly, an ultra-lightweight hand cutting blowpipe from the British Oxygen Co., Ltd., is now generally available. The new blowpipe weighs only 12 oz. and is said to be......
Additions To Ford Elgine Exchange Plan The Ford Motor Co.,
Ltd., announces that factory-reconditioned engines .and clutch components for Thames 10/12cwt. and 15-cwt. vans are now included in the Ford engine-exchange plan. Retail prices......