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Haulier 'relieved' To Leave Indust
4 by Melanie Hammond Derbyshire-based heavy haulage firm Hills has ceased trading after more than 30 years in the business. Owner Alan Hill is retiring due to ill health but......
Residents Plan Blockade
IN Furious residents are threatening to block the entrance to a goods depot in the West Midlands because they claim drivers are making their lives a misery. Sixty families plan......
Use Trucks To Spread Word
Dc Peter Little, managing director of Beds haulier Meeks of Luton, is calling on other hauliers to use their trucks to tell the Government it is still killing the industry.......
Other Dies After Crashing On Bend
• A Scottish truck driver who died after losing control of his tanker on a sharp bend in a Highland village had traces of cannabis in his system. Last week an inquiry into the......
Hungary Motorway Vignettes Can Be Obtained At The...
Club on the Hebyeshalom border, petrol stations and post offices. Fines for not having a vignett can be up to HUF100,000.......
A waste transport rule requires all vehicles carrying waste to display a sign with the letter "A" (for "abfall", or refuse) on the front and back of the vehicle. This applies to......
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The management of the Gd-SI Bernard Tunnel has warned that toll collectors are to demand compulsory declarations as well as ADR transport documents. The documents must be......
A translation service has bee set up to help drivers anywhere in Europe who are stopped by police or Customs who do not speak English. It will provide a competent linguist over......
In response to an epidemic of "fowl flu" all livestock vehicle leaving the country must carry certificates of vehicle and equipment disinfection.......
Belgium Overtaking Bans For Trucks In Some Stretches Of...
are to be extended, says the Flemish Ministry for Mobility and Public Works. Recent experiments on Flemish motorways have shown this enhances road safety.......