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Mep Joins Crusade 3gainst 8-hour Rule
COTTISH operators have enlisted the support of North of Scotland uropean MP Winnie Ewing in their campaign to save the eight)ur driving day for companies based in remote areas.......
Clothes Up
..CITHING transport specialist bbett and Britten has ineased the general liability for )ods in transit insurance to 1,500 per tonne. le new rate, which applies to I boxed......
Nine Years More, Men!
THE WORST of the recessior may be over for road hauliers, but they are unlikely to enjol 1979's record demand again un. til 1989, says Cambridge Econcp metrics. According to the......
Dery Increases
ALL MAJOR oil companies have increased the price of dery tc their wholesalers by betweer 4.55 and 5.50 pence per gallon Esso set the trend with a 4.55; increase which will......