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Computers Give Life
TECHNICAL and engineering rtaff at the National Bus Corn'any have used information ob:ained from group operators :omputerised vehicle maintenince costing (VMC) to compile......
Ncp's Airport Bus Fines
NATIONAL Car Parks Ltd has been fined a total of £200 plus £250 costs by Crawley Magistrates for bus operating offences at Gatwick Airport. On May 5, 1980, two buses owned by......
New Genus In Garden
LONDON TRANSPORT is facin post-Transport Act competitio from a passenger group which i preparing to start its own se vices through Hampstead Gal den Suburb in North London. At......
Guernsey Buses Bacli
ATTEMPTS by Trafalgar Leisur International to start schedule bus services on the Channel h land of Guernsey have met wit success. The company, which incorp( rates Kirby's......