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Staging-post System For Beer Deliveries
• A delivery system has been introduced by Whitbreads in the Southend area, which, it is claimed, will give still better service to customers. Known as the staging-post......
Durham Plans Transport Interchange
• Durham county council has announced plans for the construction of a transport interchange at Heworth, Felling, in connection with the provision of an underground light railway......
Carlisle Lotel Britain's First?
40 Carlisle city council is now negotiating with a firm of developers for the creation of what may be the first of the national network of government-approved heavyvehicle parks......
Penrith Complex Plan Refused
• The Secretary of State for the Environment has refused permission for a I2-acre road complex at Penrith, Cumberland, near A6 and A66 roads and M6. Refusal was recommended by......
• Discussions Regarding Productivity Bonus For British...
staff, which have taken place over a considerable period, reached a further stage last week when the TGWU subsidiary Association of Clerical, Technical and Supervisory Staff......