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Q Is It Legal To Use A Rope For Towing A
rigid vehicle fitted with air brakes and a mechanical air brake, when the engine is not running ? Is it legal to use a rope for towing a rigid vehicle fitted with servo-assisted......
I Own A 1966167 Model Ford 0800 Which Is Presently
plated at 12.75 tons; and which has a ratchet handbrake. Some time ago I was given to understand that in 1972 the plating regulations would be altered regarding the second......
A A Few Months Ago We Read Of A Very
strong paint remover in TSE. We require something of this nature to remove chassis paint. Could you tell us the name of the manufacturer A The paint stripper to which you refer......
Q I Have Recently Purchased A Vehicle
not exceeding 30cwt carrying capacity for my own business purposes and have been told I do not require an operator's licence. Does this mean the vehicle can be used for......
Q Have A 1969 Bedford Dormobile
with 1595 cc engine. The engine number stamped above the petrol pump is 313161, but in the registration book it is given as 2537193. The chassis number is 965070 8V 821902.......
N Am Currently Investigating The
problems of securing loads and recall seeing some while ago in your TSE section an advertisement for 'Load Lok'. This was basically a webbing strap with a tensioning buckle......
N Could You Tell Me If Ambulances
weighing in the region of 2 tons lOcwt unladen are subject either to goods vehicle annual testing or the light car test? A Ambulances are required to have annual tests under the......