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World Road Transport Will Double In Next 20 Years
ROAD GOODS transport will probably double and bus traffic show a modest increase throughout the world in the next 20 years, according to a Transport and Road Research Laboratory......
Why Twelve Times As Much?
LORD MASSEREENE and Perrard, Conservative peer, is to ask the Government in the House of Lords next month why the ferry charges for a lorry are 12 times as great as for a car......
Ldoy Has Big Day
SIX I_DoY events last Sunday attracted 624 entries. Of the 48 who qualified for the September 9 final, 11 were there last year including the runner-up, Ron Edwards. Dunfermline......
Million Pound Saving For Po Petrol
A SAVING of more than 1m has been made over 10 years by the Post Office Telecommunications department by restricting engine power output on its 50,000-vehicle fleet. Instead of......