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I Have Worked As A Driver For My Present Employer
for 18 months and when I took the job it was agreed that I should have two weeks holiday. I understand that I am entitled to three weeks under the national agreement. Is this so......
Q What Is Meant By A "highspeed" Diesel Engine? I Have
read in several truck specifications that they are fitted with such engines but they only rev to 2200 rev' min which I would not describe as "high speed". A Speed, of course, is......
Q Is There Any Way Of Appealing Against The Decision Of
a Licensing Authority to suspend my heavy goods vehicle driving licence? A If you feel that a Licensing Authority has been unduly harsh in suspending your hgv driving licence......
Q I Have Read That Green Cards Are No Longer Required
for travel in Common Market countries yet the insurance people still advocate the possession of these documents when operating in Europe. Why is this? Green cards are no longer......
Q I Have Always Understood That If Avehicle Is Driven...
into a preceding vehicle the driver of the following vehicle has no defence against a charge of driving without due care and attention. However, I am told that this is now not......
Q 'hen I Was Pulled Tit At A Ministry Roadside
check recently, one of the tyres on rrovehicle was found to have a cut in it. J had only that morning received the vehicle back from a routine maintenance inspection at which......