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Q As A Chargehand Mechanic Working On A Fleet Of
60 trucks, I sign for all my own jobs and also some carried out by semiskilled workers. Could you please tell me how I stand in law if the brakes or steering of a vehicle fail......
Q I Have Recently Taken Charge Of A Small Fleet
of vehicles and would like to obtain CM's guidance on several points. These are:— If there is no load for any certain vehicle, must a log sheet be made out for that day? If!......
A The Log Sheet' Is A Record Of A Driver's
hours of work and, as such, must be filled in whenever a vehicle of over 30cwt unladen or 3.5 tons gross plated weight is driven, whether loaded or not. There is no longer any......
• My Present Driving Licence Expires On January 31, 1970
and therefore my renewed licence will commence from February 1, 1970. Could you tell me whether this means that! will get a licence qualifying me to drive vehicles of the usual......
0 . I Would Like To Become A Transport Manager And
although I have sound experience in the repair and driving of heavy goods vehicles, I have, unfortunately, none in the management side of transport. Could you advise me on the......
Q Can I Claim Compensation When A Lorry Is Taken
to a garage for repairs which are satisfactorily carried out, the vehicle nevertheless leaving with another component broken when I know full well it was in working order before......
Q I Was Driving Along An Unlit Road In The
early morning meeting oncoming traffic with my headlights full on when, suddenly, a police car pulled out from behind an oncoming lorry. I flashed my headlights to warn him to......
Q Could You Tell Me Where To Obtain A
comprehensive list of manufacturers, concessionaires and importers of air equipment tools, air drills, sanders, etc., and another for hose clips, worm drives and other spare......