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Eaton Roused • Your Recent Article 'five Rounds Of Boxing
clever' was read with great interest. However we would take issue with two points raised in the section on the Eaton SAMT. In order to clarify the reference made to confusing......
The Word Is "stronghold" • I Refer To Your Issue
week ending April 11, 1987 and your article on Linfood, which I was drawn to because our company, Plastic Protections Limited, manufactured and signwrote (by hand) all 39 pairs......
No Hazards At Friendberry • Having Read So Much About
the new Hazardous Goods regulations I decided to go to Somerset on a 4-day course. Friendberry Ltd holds these courses all in one place, not like some others, and are the......
Stick Together With Stickers • Could I Please Have Ten
more of those stickers you have had published, as I fully agree in what it says; what 1 have heard from the unfortunate few who have been attacked, raided, harassed by local......
No Kidding • My Dad Always Gets Commercial Motor And
I like to read the Bird's Eye View page when the magazine arrives. I was disgusted last week to see that the Hawk referred to the lovely Eddie Kidd as 'Eddie the Mouth'. This is......
Psv Jams • Your News Pages And Specials Like This
week's PSV issue (CM, April 18) always talk about how great all these buyouts are, and how efficient these new operators are. The truth is that these people are just filling up......
• Our Report Of The Mobil Diesel Plus/ Commercial Motor
competition prizegiving CM, April 11) contained an unfortunate error, for which we apologise to Mobil, who so generously provided the £1,000 prize. For those who missed the......